
A Visit to Yuantong Temple in Kunming

Pass to park at Temple, Temple in the garden through the mountain. Park through the Temple was built in imperial times Donnan, Yuan Dade five reconstruction, so far, 600 years of history. Temple is not big, but distinctive, also known as the magnificent building. Dian Temple in terms of structure or from the content perspective, the south of the temple with significantly different: one coming from the door, Steps to Christ all the way down the road is wider and lower, rather than third-order nine-step, onward and upward; second both monk, among the three religions not only use, both the Buddha, and re-channel, such as to communicate with the Eight Immortals live together, but also a spectacle. Whether the main gate, main hall, the Eight Immortals of the murals, sculptures can be seen everywhere, even the Tathagata is the Eight Immortals of relief under the seat, perhaps with the segment Quanzhen year on the force with those of the princes of the left Ze bar; third pass in the Vedic Temple and the palace's garden in the construction of the Goddess Temple, Goddess of Mercy Temple in pond and released, the pool hall in a palace around Jie Xiang Zhai, the layout is also unconventional in the fourth, no King Hall, through the palace of King Buddha in the garden just before Peisi, around ten Lohan two (rather than the southern temple of eighteen), three main Buddha from left to right now, in the past, the future Buddha (southern temple was in the past, present and future Buddha), Buddha decorated with green Huanger Long before like coiled is different, may be Nanzhao Buddhism as state religion, the relevant section of princes is Buddha reincarnated; Fifth South (may not be limited to south) to monks living temple, nuns live in Temple, even the mountains, brake, Xinnv attracted to the temple monks, is the residence was built in nunneries. The temple has many monks and nuns together Yunnan Temple, according to legend the late Ming Jiangnan courtesan Chen Yuanyuan (Jiangsu Moling, term Danyang people) because of shame Sangui seller of glory, cynical, a monk here, thus leaving how many poetic cantabile , a dream like magic story through the ages.
Park behind the palace in 1991 China tour packages through the new copper Buddha statues of Buddhist Thailand, presented bronze. Bronze Buddha urn into the clouds, flying Court Flow Dan, building form in full accordance with Thai custom, bronze is also a solemn look wonderful state. View, "one water" not only support "one man", one inevitably deities "local color", the Indian stalwart stately Buddha, Thai Buddha is handsome energetic, and China the Buddha is kind and quiet, Fuxiang much more. Bronze rear garden is through the mountains, lush mountain forests, craggy rocks, the scenery is pleasant, but because the years of killing, and many inscriptions have been tempered and exhausted, that numerous celebrity anecdotes as thousands of years also leaves the same as in decaying vegetation quietly buried in the vast years of.
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tailor made China tours: Yangzhou Rural Tour

Reporters learned that part of the tour has come to Yangzhou Young rural attractions tourism demand, however, travel with a group to go after, but found that guest satisfaction is not high. "Most of the demanding tour on the accommodation, generally require more than the standard three-star hotel, but the rural tourism sites to achieve the availability of this standard too." Industry sources told reporters that the tourism industry to boost the local economy, tourists The overnight stay at least a day, but now, in the rural tourism attractions, local visitors up to play one day, tourists staying only about half a day.
According to reports, many rural tourist product has not yet formed a complete system and supporting the tourism function, and infrastructure, service facilities and tourist demand is not complete. "Countryside cost of supporting the greatest pressure on the company," peasant music Gaoyou a business owner also said that the general size of farm investment ratio, the total cost of ancillary facilities should be 60% -80%. "But the tour is a holiday village economy, output is 5:2 effect, that is working five days business is tepid, passenger full weekend two days, if the farm without a stable source, supporting the cost of five days will be enlarged, so Many businesses can not afford to make efforts in this regard, appears to lack support. "
Thousand "tour" side of the hard Showmanship
Rare to outsiders, even to the difficult to stay, so Yangzhou Countryside or to local customers as a consumer.
"In order to seize the market, I wanted to find too many characteristics of farms, the overall package, the tour features the formation of a line," said another travel agent, but all the attractions of the function to find over and over, but discover the true characteristics of very small, "many of which are a house a kung pond, became a farm." homogenization is difficult for many attractions in the market "come out."
According to Yangzhou tourism industry, at present the village attractions Yangzhou business model, nothing more than casual farmhouse, leisure Villa, agricultural tourist attractions, ecotourism and other types. "Types, but similar functions are basically fishing, picking, playing cards, etc., 'single product structure' visitors is the impression left in many spots, which led to the homogenization of city attractions packed with not many attractions , rural leisure travel market is difficult to open. "For more information, please shift to Designed China Tours 


Tours China: Jiuhua Mountain Visitors Service

To effectively do the tourist consumer protection work, recently, nine scenic Mountain Scenic Area in the construction of two consumer rights norms demonstration stations, to ensure timely handling of consumer complaints consultation.
It is reported that two consumer rights demonstration stations are located in the town of Lotus Jiuhua community committees and nine Huaxiang Ke village. In the demonstration station building, the first area to strengthen the hardware construction, strict implementation of a consumer rights liaison, a relatively fixed location, an organization plaque, a relatively fixed telephone, an application to receive and handle consumer complaints register, a bulletin boards, a working system, a computer, "eight an" standard; second is to strengthen the performance of construction, from the convenience of the people Shen, complaints and improve the effectiveness of the reality of rights, a clear demonstration station work standards, responsibilities, procedures and discipline, improve the regulation of the 12315 consumer rights focal points of the supporting systems to ensure consumer inquiries, Shen (cast) complaint was received, it was processing, the demonstration station truly efficient channels to resolve consumer disputes and demonstration window; third is to strengthen the regulate the construction, from the standard two demonstration stations to guide the daily operations begin, by focusing on individual training or guidance, to help acquire the necessary rights liaison accepting applications, complaints and reports of the methods and techniques to improve its acceptance, consumer applicant's ability and level of complaints.For more information, please shift to Designed China Tours


China Tours: Fuzhou West Lake Free Open

Contact the reporter on this West Lake Park Management Committee. A staff member of the management committee, said the West Lake Park is open free to the public a good thing. Now the tourists are to grow exponentially, however, the increase in visitors is not our management difficult. All along, the park management committee disturbing problem is the biggest problem. "Difficult to resolve conflicts. The one hand, residents living near the park and to park visitors to be quiet environment, but also the other residents around the park site entertainment." The staff said that, as in recent years to the West Lake Park leisure residents gradually increased, this conflict has become increasingly prominent. These are the folk singing group formed spontaneously, without authority to coordinate management, which also resulted in the management of the CMC no embarrassment. CMC's staff also told reporters that 1,700 years have elapsed since the lake's history, as a classical garden, or need to create a quiet atmosphere. More quietly in the park for visitors to experience the history of culture. Should not be a noisy place. "Fortunately, the introduction of noise, method of Fuzhou is necessary, according to the time we have to manage."

A classical garden into a noisy noisy "stall", but who also want to see. Words can come back, now in West Lake Park in droves to sing dance practice, and more for local middle-aged retired workers, nothing else to park them, in pursuit of a entertain enjoyment. They sing because of conflict with other tourists, mainly due to the activity area or park is too small, and Park "overwhelmed."Information, located in Fuzhou City Center West Lake Park has thousands of years, increasing population in urban situations. West Lake Park and bear to meet the growing demand for public recreation, really a bit difficult.

It is understood that Fuzhou will build the "big lake", left the sea and the Fuzhou Zoo Park site into the "Great West Lake" range, left the sea after the merger Park and West Lake Park, Lake Park area will be expanded more than doubled. By then, it can not meet these activities and scenic places moved, re-planning of a public entertainment venue it?A modern city must have a high-rise buildings, can not busy, but also for the people can not do without leisure walks - they are, "Not One Less."For more information, please shift to Designed China Tours


Travel to Tibet: Hefei Safe Tour

Fujian Wuyi Mountain scenic bridge collapse fall accident, Tianzhu lightning accident ... ... to enter the area since May, more than the national tourism safety spate of incidents yesterday, the city's major tourism bureau tourism enterprises in Hefei emergency forwarded to the National Tourism Administration "on Summer tourism to further strengthen security work of the emergency notice "for travel agencies, resorts and star hotels are made ​​of different requirements.
Among them, the Hefei travel requires timely to remind all visitors to purchase travel accident insurance; avoid lightning, heavy rain, flash floods and other inclement weather, group travel; tourist vehicles must sign a "contract travel agency travel team car", the vehicle must pass annual examination, testing qualified and meet the safety requirements, must have a valid operating license qualification and tourist routes, the driver must have the appropriate qualifications for posts.

Area, the requirements of purple mt, Daishan Lake and other tourist attractions in the storms, stop tourists travel. Boats, water and other water-related recreational activities to do tourists travel safety tips and education; be equipped with adequate lifesaving equipment and rescue personnel; to strengthen the inspection and maintenance of area facilities, emphasis on training of practitioners and emergency drills.

Requirements of any inspection of fire-star hotel fire hazards, the ability to master the fighting since the beginning of the fire escape and evacuation of personnel the ability to ensure that complete fire facilities, fire exits unobstructed. At the same time to comply with food hygiene standards, the implementation of food hygiene system, strict customs of raw materials, disinfection, and customs "with the mouth closed" to ensure that guests stay healthy.For more information, please shift to Designed China Tours


Travel to China: Miss 2011 Global Tour

Global tourism ambassadors by the International Competition organized by the Organizing Committee, Xinxiang Ditch area hosted the 2011 China International Tourism Ambassador Contest finals cum Ditch "Eighth South Pacific line hydrophilic Culture Festival" will be held August 5 to 8 in Ditch area organized.

Participate in the final 22 players from Beijing, Shandong, Inner Mongolia, Chengdu and other 11 provinces. President of the International Organization Global Tourism Ambassador Zhang Fan, Beijing Dance Academy of Art and Design Dean Lin Lin and provincial and municipal tourism system, the leadership will come to the final scene. China Tourism News, Beijing Evening News, Xinhua News Agency, China News, 35 Sina and other mainstream media will be full coverage.

The activities include "tour Ditch" into the city ceremony, the eighth line of hydrophilic South Pacific Culture and Tourism Festival Opening Ceremony of the Second World Travel Awards regional finals of the Chinese Ambassador, "beautiful eyes Ditch" Global Tourism Ambassador scenic folk songs characteristics of experience and so on. Activities organized by the multi-angle, multi-level display Ditch area, "camellia, who the United States, water, the United States," the multi-element, to the nation and the world promote Ditch area of tourism resources, tourism brand to enhance the gold content of Xinxiang, Xinxiang actively build become well-known tourist destination.For more information, please shift to Designed China Tours 


Designed China Tours: China Cycling Games

Fifth National Outdoor Championships today taining mountain war on behalf of the Taiwan team in two
In the morning, was hailed as the representative of China's highest level of professional mountain outdoor sports events - "2011 Fifth Danxia taining national championship mountain outdoor sports" in Sanming Taining County officially kicked off. The tournament attracted 25 teams participating, including a Hong Kong team, two teams in Taiwan, an international wing and 21 from 15 domestic provinces and cities of the professional team, coaches and the total number of nearly 300 athletes.
2 pm media conference, the Organizing Committee to relevant sources, the tournament is upgraded to the last Challenge Championship. Game 3 to 5 August. Events with cross-country running, mountain biking, running alternately riding, floor down, canoeing, rafting, fixed-point cross, off-road function and other outdoor sports, the schedule length of 137 kilometers, more than the last 54 km. In particular, the masses of the game set up a strong participatory projects and activities of people watch the qualifying.
It is understood that this race team in Hong Kong "Hong Kong all-around sports learn"; two teams in Taiwan are "EXUSTAR-Tung Wah Group of Iron Man a pair of" and "EXUSTAR-Tung Wah Group of Iron Man Second Team"; an international joint team as "odd deer endurance team."
According to tournament chief referee Jun Wei introduced taining a unique natural and geographical conditions, Big Lake, top rock, on the stream and other outdoor sports can be for the good of the project site environment. In 2009 the country held a successful taining mountain outdoor sports Challenge, based on this year upgraded to a tournament. Taiwan's first team were invited to participate, reflecting the sports exchanges across the Taiwan Strait in Fujian as an important window for the role.For more information, please shift to Designed China Tours