
Tour Tibet in Shigatse

Four days feeling was just asleep wake up, wash finished, the street shops casually ate, came to the plateau FIT Center, we rented a car already there waiting. Cars just drive in Lhasa when the start is still relatively excited watching the beautiful scenery around, getting travel to Tibet altitude sickness on the table, uncomfortable wow, noon meal did not even eat, I especially want to cry, a man hide crying in the car for a moment, head but not less pain, and a lot more comfortable.

Three in the afternoon we went to Shigatse, the family lived in a standard hotel, although the facilities are quite simple, though, clean and comfortable. Drive to see the Tashilhunpo, from the appearance, a few more main hall roof is made ​​of copper. Looks magnificent. Still a lot of rules here, what's left into the right into, out of the temple gates all I forgot. Very few people visit, which the Tibet tour size of Lama wearing Sengyi surprisingly many. Just monastery dinner time, a huge hall where hundreds of monks holding a bowl of pasta to enjoy with pork. Several large hall in the middle is a square in the middle also erected a dozen meters high poles, a lot of black hair tied above, then one asked to know it was the men join the ranks of monks shave the hair down . Night live Shigatse.

To visit the Baiju, this temple is very typical of Buddhist temples, but also a saving to this day so full of Temple. In the temple, I saw a Tibetan hand corner of a thick stack of notes, now less able to see this note, he would put a dime in Everywhere I look it is do not understand the significance of what? I am curious to ask, and he looked at me, went on to put up, I do not know if I do not understand or are they reluctant to talk to me, the temple of light is not very good, I did not do more to stay on out, learn Tibetan look like rolling a turning cylinder hope to bring good luck. After lunch, return from Shigatse, the way some of the content is not and we say. For more information, please shift to Designed China Tours.

