
tailor made China tours: Yangzhou Rural Tour

Reporters learned that part of the tour has come to Yangzhou Young rural attractions tourism demand, however, travel with a group to go after, but found that guest satisfaction is not high. "Most of the demanding tour on the accommodation, generally require more than the standard three-star hotel, but the rural tourism sites to achieve the availability of this standard too." Industry sources told reporters that the tourism industry to boost the local economy, tourists The overnight stay at least a day, but now, in the rural tourism attractions, local visitors up to play one day, tourists staying only about half a day.
According to reports, many rural tourist product has not yet formed a complete system and supporting the tourism function, and infrastructure, service facilities and tourist demand is not complete. "Countryside cost of supporting the greatest pressure on the company," peasant music Gaoyou a business owner also said that the general size of farm investment ratio, the total cost of ancillary facilities should be 60% -80%. "But the tour is a holiday village economy, output is 5:2 effect, that is working five days business is tepid, passenger full weekend two days, if the farm without a stable source, supporting the cost of five days will be enlarged, so Many businesses can not afford to make efforts in this regard, appears to lack support. "
Thousand "tour" side of the hard Showmanship
Rare to outsiders, even to the difficult to stay, so Yangzhou Countryside or to local customers as a consumer.
"In order to seize the market, I wanted to find too many characteristics of farms, the overall package, the tour features the formation of a line," said another travel agent, but all the attractions of the function to find over and over, but discover the true characteristics of very small, "many of which are a house a kung pond, became a farm." homogenization is difficult for many attractions in the market "come out."
According to Yangzhou tourism industry, at present the village attractions Yangzhou business model, nothing more than casual farmhouse, leisure Villa, agricultural tourist attractions, ecotourism and other types. "Types, but similar functions are basically fishing, picking, playing cards, etc., 'single product structure' visitors is the impression left in many spots, which led to the homogenization of city attractions packed with not many attractions , rural leisure travel market is difficult to open. "For more information, please shift to Designed China Tours 

