
Hubei Tour Research

Recently, the Hubei Provincial Tourism Bureau report "on the high-speed rail in Hubei Province, inter-city railway construction and tourism docking study of the problem" has been approved project, Hubei Provincial Policy Research by the year 2011 included a major research topics Fund of Hubei Province, project plans completed by the end of this year. The fund three years, the first time to include the province's major tourism project fund research projects that are more concerned about tourism.

Topics included in the Fund except to get a certain amount of research funding support, the priority level or higher through the publications submitted to the relevant internal departments see the leadership and decision-making, better for the party committee and government decision-making services, promoting scientific decision-making .

The subject is facing the development of tourism in our province the urgency of the subject, after its declaration of full feasibility studies and preliminary research. With the province will be fully into the "high iron age" and a number of inter-city railway in the province of open construction, the province's travel patterns will change greatly. On the one hand with Wuhan as the center of the flow distribution, logistics and information flow to surge, Hubei will become an important tourist destination. On the other hand, Wuhan and the province of regional central cities of tourist facilities, public services, high-speed rail lags the economy has become a bottleneck restricting the urgent need for adaptability of the major changes in traffic patterns, early planning and implementation of high-speed rail network, inter-city rail network after the formation of the tourism development strategy in the tourism service facilities, facilities construction and modern transportation network docking, the city's tourism center to enhance the gathering and radiation. The project will provide decision-making basis to solve these problems, to achieve "five-second" leap-forward development of tourism in our province to lay the foundation.

According to the research group associated comrade will take the field research, literature analysis, and the use of GIS, googlemaps and other methods and technologies for research, and strive to research on the development of tourism in our province has a strong value and practical application of theory to guide value.For more information, please shift to Designed China Tours 

